Ну вот и всё :)
Эти Форумы Лотоса завершают своё существование, как и было запланировано Новые Форумы Лотоса ждут всех и каждого. Новый подход, новые идеи, новые горизонты.
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For David Parsons, it's always been the delicate control and subtle organization of elements that has made his music a success. On the album Inner Places (61'49"), Parsons' compositions continue to command a striking range of timbral color and texture. The mood is one of quiet but deep thought. Written with peerless insider knowledge, the six tracks are each a layered investigation of an elaborate inner dream world. His work derives its energy from the unresolved tension between motion and stasis, figuration and abstraction, the synthetic and the organic. The song titles do not attach themselves to specific images or places, leaving the mind free to wander the quiet spaces between the notes. While the nonspecific washes of sound evoke a subdued disquietude, Parsons just as easily uses his synthesizers and samplers to create a diamond bright vista of sound. Throughout Inner Places, recurring harmonic themes rise and fade, bottomless drones flow endlessly, field recordings intermingle with electronic sounds and the delicate ringing of chimes can cause intermittent shivers. As diverse as this music is sonically, there is nothing unearthly on this album. Inner Places is an album dealing with slipping out of the electronic First World and into the hidden realm of the psyche.
- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END
"I wanted to create some music that could possibly provide sonic worlds which the listener could journey to in their imagination.
The word ‘loka’ in Hindi/Sanskrit can mean a ‘world’ or ‘realm of experience’. The track titles simply translate as ‘First World’, ‘Second World’, etc.; I did not intend to colour the mind with descriptive titles, so that you, the listener, could create your own realm of experience."
David Parsons
Pahla Loka [10:27]
Dusra Loka [10:21]
Tisra Loka [9:39]
Chautha Loka [9:09]
Panchwan Loka [10:09]
Chhatha Loka [12:03]
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Огромнейшее спасибо за релиз!!! Это как раз то, чего так долго ждали, и чего не было даже в e-mule! Теперь на форуме есть полная коллекция альбомов David Parsons!
Всегда пожалуйста! Альбом действительно редкий - был скачан из SoulSeek, где он был обнаружен у одного-единственного юзера. Будем надеяться, что теперь он распространится пошире..... :)
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