Ну вот и всё :)
Эти Форумы Лотоса завершают своё существование, как и было запланировано Новые Форумы Лотоса ждут всех и каждого. Новый подход, новые идеи, новые горизонты.
Если хотите продолжать старые темы, то открывайте их на новом форуме под тем же названием и оставляйте в первом сообщении ссылку на старую тему.
"The real does not die, the unreal never lived."
"Once you know that death happens to the body and not to you, you just watch your body falling off like a discarded garment."
"The real you is timeless and beyond birth and death. The body will survive as long as it is needed. It is not important that it should live long."
It is small book written by Nisargadatta. As indicated by Jean in her editor's notes, it was published in 1963. There were 100 copies of this book printed by her. She gave 20 or so copies to friends and students and one to me. For some reason she decided not to give any more out. It has never been published in the West. Therefore, you are among the first to see it.
"Gleanings from Nisargadatta" can now be ordered through Beyond Description Publishing. - This book is an excellent example of the most potent delivery of Maharaj's 'pointing'. - It is new material not found elsewhere in the extended collection of transcripts of his meetings. - Mark took down the clear notes with the blessings of Maharaj in 1976/77. - Anyone that has "I am That" (which is early seventies material) will want to read this newly available book. - It is a very potent extension of that original book. - The impact of this clear manuscript is not to be missed. -
Gilbert Schultz of 'Shining through the mind' website.
Сайт с оригинальными, ранее невиданными (мною) качественными фотками Нисаргадатты,
в том числе "в последние дни", фрагментом сатсанга о джняне на маратхи,
и попыткой систематического изложения науки самопознания Махараджа, с красивой схемой,
и текст-сборник с цитированием многого из изданного на английском.
The complete ‘I am’ quotes of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj
By Pradeep
Dedicated to my Guru Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj
These quotes have been compiled from seven books that cover almost all the dialogues of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj: I Am That edited by Maurice Frydman, Seeds of Consciousness, Prior to Consciousness and Consciousness and the Absolute edited by Jean Dunn and The Experience of Nothingness, The Nectar of Immortality and The Ultimate Medicine edited by Robert Powell.
Ишу фото Нисаргадатты Махараджа в хорошем качестве,
если кто знает ссылки или имеет какие-либо фото в личной колекции
или знает, где можно купить что-то подобное , буду очень признателен!!!
если есть возможность, фотки можно залить сюда: nosk34@gmail.com
Заранее спасибо!!!
“Awareness becomes consciousness when it has an object. The object changes all the time. In consciousness there is movement: awareness is motionless and timeless, here now.”
“Those who know only scriptures know nothing - To know is to be“.
“Delayed response is wrong response. Thought, feeling and action must be one and simultaneous with the situation that calls for them” - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
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