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[Egyptian] Sayyed Al-Dowwi - The Hilali Epic (2003) [2 CD]


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[Egyptian] Sayyed Al-Dowwi - The Hilali Epic (2003) [2 CD]

Sayyed Al-Dowwi

The Hilali Epic [2 CD] (2003)

MP3 | 192 kbps | Arсhive: RAR

The Hilali Epic stems from the 11th century AD, and recounts the story of the Banu Hilal or “Sons of the Crescent Moon”, driven from their homeland. The early adventures take place in the Yemen, the birthplace of the hero Abu Zayd, followed by the exodus of the Hilalis, spurred by famine to migrate towards the highlands in the centre of Arabia. At this point the hero and his ally become rivals over women, with Abu Zayd the final victor. Finally there is the long transhumance of the tribe towards the west, and the love uniting the daughter of one of the tribal heads and an officer from the enemy camp. Sayyed al-Dowwi, the last poet to have memorized almost the epic cycle in its entirety, (no mean feat, since it represents 500 hours of narration) performs in a dialect of Upper Egypt. This recording presents two episodes from the epic: how the hero’s parents met, and remembering the triumphant return of Abu Zayd’s children after a long period of exile in faraway lands.

Track Listings:
CD 1 - Rizq Et La Noble Khadra:
1. Introduction to the Hilali Epic
2. Rizq's Lament
3. Journey to Mecca
4. Meeting With Khadra's Father
5. Marriage Proposal
6. Wedding
7. Desperately Awaiting a Son

CD 2 - Le Livre Des Orphelins:
1. Introduction to the Hilali Epic
2. Pregnant Women Escape
3. Hospitality of the King of Tawayif
4. Bravery of the Orphans
5. Triumphant Return to Hilali Lands

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01 02 2007, 00:40 URL сообщения


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