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1. Creation
2. Celebration Of Life
3. Tribute To the War God's Horses
4. The Holy People
5. Tears For Mother Earth
6. Mysterious Power
7. Grandfather's Calling
8. The Water Is Our Protector
9. The Beauty Way
10. Spiritual Awakening
11. Sacred Feelings
12. Altar Of Wisdom
13. Song Of Prophecy
Douglas Spotted Eagle is a Grammy-winning musician, noted for his live and recorded performances on the traditional Native American flute, sometimes accompanied by either traditional Navajo (Diné) singers and instrumentalists or a modern band.
He calls his music "modern ethnic", as it mixes jazz, new age, pop, and world beat with Native American music. Spotted Eagle received a Grammy Award for his production of Gathering of Nations Powwow, and along with numerous collaborations has released 13 albums under his own name. He has been building flutes since he was 12 years old, and he performed traditional music as well as being a guitarist for a popular rock and roll band after his family moved to Salt Lake City, Utah. He is married to a Diné woman from Sweetwater, Utah. Spotted Eagle currently lives in Stockton, Utah and works in support of youth anti-drug causes as well as being involved in the prevention of child abuse.
Douglas is also involved in the field of video production and regularly writes articles for Videography, Studio, DMN, Creative COW, other magazines, VASST and tours doing training for Adobe, Apple, Sony Media Software. His interests outside of music and video production appear to include skydiving.
1. The Legend, Ely S. Parker
2. Hasanoanda- Leading Name
3. She Had a Dream
4. Exiled
5. Buffalo Creek Treaty
6. Turning Point
7. Assimilation
8. Walks Two Roads
9. Galena Calls
10. Terms of Surrender
11. Held at Bay
12. One Real American
13. Capital Bells
14. Commissioner
15. Dance of the North
This original soundtrack was composed by Joanne Shenandoah, North America's most honored Native American female singer/ songwriter. Blending traditional Iroquois music with contemporary instrumentation, Shenandoah sets an energetic tone to this compelling PBS documentary on the life of Ely Parker.
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