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Osho_The Grass Grows By Itself_ch#_1_Talks on Zen


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Откуда: Sweden
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Карма: +10
Osho_The Grass Grows By Itself_ch#_1_Talks on Zen

The Grass Grows By Itself
Talks on Zen
Talks given from 21/02/75 am to 28/02/75 am
English Discourse series
8 Chapters

#1 download link below

Cover of the printed edition from 1976,
a beautiful poetical edition

The mind is a great non-understander; the mind is the very root of ignorance. Why can't the mind understand? Because the mind is just a tiny part of your being, and the part cannot understand, only the whole can understand. Always remember this: only your total being can understand something, no part can. Neither your head nor your heart, nor your hands, nor your legs, can understand -- only your total being. Understanding is of the total, misunderstanding is of the part. The part always misunderstands, because the part tries to pretend as the whole; that is the whole problem. The mind tries to say that it is the whole understanding, but it is just a part.

[ ... ]

Not that I am saying cut the mind off -- that too would be unnatural, that too is a part. The mind must have its own place, its own proportion, but it should not be allowed to be the dictator. If it becomes the dictator, then it creates problems. And then it seeks solutions, and solutions create more problems, and you go on until you end up in a madhouse.

[ ... ]

This is what sannyas is to mean to you. Sannyas is living life in its totality, moment to moment; allowing it to happen without any conditions on your part. And then, if you allow this much, life allows you a transcendence. Remaining in the valley, you become the peak, and only then it is beautiful. If you go to the peak, the valley is lost -- and the valley has its own beauties. If you remain in the valley, the peak is lost -- and the peak has its own beauties. And I would like you to become a man of valley and peak, both together. Remaining in the valley, be a peak -- and then you will be able to understand what Zen is.

The Grass Grows by Itself #1

The Grass Grows by Itself #1, 95 Min. mp3 64 KBit/s 46 MB
06 04 2007, 14:40 URL сообщения


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