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Osho - The Grass Grows By Itself. Talks on Zen


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Osho - The Grass Grows By Itself. Talks on Zen

The Grass Grows By Itself
Talks on Zen
Talks given from 21/02/75 am to 28/02/75 am
English Discourse series
8 Chapters

The Grass Grows by Itself #2, 90 Min. mp3 64 KBit/s 43 MB

Pune 1975

Suddenly the moment comes when you are ready, and your patience has become not of time, but of eternity; you are not waiting for something, but simply waiting, because the waiting is so beautiful; the waiting itself is such a deep meditation, the waiting itself is such a tremendous achievement -- who bothers about anything else? When the waiting has become so total, so intense, so whole, that time disappears and the waiting takes the quality of eternity, then immediately you are ready. You are not entitled, remember -- you cannot ask. You are simply ready and you are not even aware that you are ready.

[ ... ]

You can have instant coffee: you cannot have instant meditation. In the mind of the West particularly, time is too important, too heavy. The West is time obsessed. Listening to these Eastern tales, you may enjoy them, but you must be aware about your own time obsession. In the West everything is done in such a hurry that you cannot enjoy anything. You move from one place to another, always on the go, traveling fast. The faster you go, the less significance there is in traveling, because you go from one point to another and all that is in between is lost. To travel by a bullock-cart has a beauty of its own. To travel by a jet plane is foolish because it is not travel at all. It may be a business trip. That's okay. For business it's okay. You save time. But for traveling, for traveling you have to move slowly. There is nothing like wandering on your feet, then you enjoy each moment of it -- each tree that passes by. You become one with millions of things, and you are enriched through it.

Because of time obsession, speed has become the only goal. You don't know where you are going, but you are very happy because you are going fast. The direction is lost but speed is in your hand.

This mind will not be able to seek the ultimate because the ultimate means the eternal. It is not like a seasonal flower: it is the ultimate, eternal tree. For it to become a soil, and for it to take roots in you, infinite patience and waiting is needed. If you can only wait, then all else, I can promise, will come. You simply wait with me, and everything will follow. But don't be in a hurry and don't ask for secrets -- they will be given to you when you are ready. They are always given. In fact, to say that they are given is not exactly right. When you are ready, you will suddenly find that whatsoever you were trying to achieve was already within you. You had it always: it was already the case. The master is just a catalytic agent; he sits, silently, quietly, not doing anything. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.

The Grass Grows by Itself #2
06 04 2007, 14:54 URL сообщения
Постоянный участник
Сообщения: 891
Темы: 38
Откуда: Toronto, Canada
Профиль ЛС
e-mail www

Карма: +50/–2

Thank you Zoraom,

I find it especially beautiful, since my name Dharia means Patience.

Ma Prem Dharia
06 04 2007, 20:40 URL сообщения


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