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Dan Millman - The Peaceful Warrior [eng]


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Карма: +2
Dan Millman - The Peaceful Warrior [eng]

Here's what the publisher has to say:

"Way of the Peaceful Warrior has become one of the most beloved spiritual sagas of our time. Shared among friends and families, this million-copy word-of-mouth bestseller has inspired men and women of all ages in twenty languages worldwide.

"Despite his success, college student and world-champion athlete Dan Millman is haunted by a feeling that something is missing from his life. Awakened one night by dark dreams, he wanders into an all-night gas station, meets an old man named Socrates, and his world is changed forever. Guided by this eccentric old warrior, drawn to an elusive young woman named Joy, Dan begins a spiritual odyssey into realms of light and shadow, romance and mystery, toward a final confrontation that will deliver or destroy him.

This classic tale, told with heart and humor, speaks to the peaceful warrior in each of us. Countless readers have been moved to laughter and tears "even moments of illumination" as they rediscover life's larger meaning and purpose. Journey with Dan on the peaceful warrior's path to unreasonable happiness. Find out for yourself why this book changes lives."



the movie:
24 06 2007, 14:21 URL сообщения


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