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Remote Viewing - что есть в сети

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Сообщения: 7731
Темы: 11

Профиль ЛС

Карма: +290/–18
Remote Viewing - что есть в сети

A Remote Viewing History - Its Transfer From Military Espionage To Corporate America -
Learn about the history of Remote Viewing, a technology and learned skill formerly used by U.S. Military Intelligence.
Associative Remote Viewing -
Using Associative Remote Viewing to predict the future.
Biomind Superpowers -
Biomind Superpowers by Ingo Swann, the respected "Father of remote viewing," has an archive of remote viewing articles and an informative online book.
BioSynchrony Inc -
BioSynchrony offers services and classes in scientific remote viewing and remote healing.
Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual used by the Defense Intelligence Agency -
Read the original Defense Intelligence Agency and U.S. Army CRV (Coordinate Remote Viewing) manual which outlines the breakthrough remote viewing techniques developed by renowned psychic and artist Ingo Swann.
Dale E. Graff -
An author and physicist who offers seminars and consultations on ESP, remote viewing and dreams.
Deep Awareness Remote Viewing and beyond -
The Remote viewer and explorer of reality playground. Remote viewing application and implications.
ESP Research -
Remote viewing and spiritual healing workshops by Russell Targ and Jane Katra, Ph.D. Includes articles, events and recommended books.
Farsight Institute -
Promotes the use of scientific remote viewing.
Firedocs Remote Viewing Collection -
Featuring discussions, transcripts, FAQs, and Joseph McMoneagle.
Greater Reality, Spirit, Soul, Afterlife -
Exploring the Greater Reality, remote viewing, psychic ability, spirit, soul, mediums, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, near death experiences, eternal life, God, and the afterlife.
Hawai'i Remote Viewers' Guild -
Dedicated to the research and development of remote viewing.
International Remote Viewing Association -
The International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA)promotes the topic of remote viewing in an accurate and scientific way to the public and the media. IRVA holds yearly conferences and links to a self-test website where individuals can test their remote viewing abilities.
Jonina (Joni) Dourif - Professional Technical Remote Viewer -
A professional remote viewer, Jonina Dourif was one of the first civilians trained in this formerly secret military technology, Technical Remote Viewing.
Jose Silva's Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing System -
Online remote viewing test shows your potential to learn remote viewing and remote influencing with Jose Silva's guaranteed Mind Training System
Military Remote Viewers : Remote Viewing Facts, History, & Information -
Your knowledge source for remote viewing facts, history, and information. Find out more about the military remote viewing programs.
Mind Tek Research -
Offers mind tools and programs which feature a proprietary audio frequency matrix designed to enhance remote viewing and launch the user into deep meditative and altered states.
Probable Future Corp. -
Provides advanced Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing courses.
PSI TECH Technical Remote Viewing Training -
Provides Technical Remote Viewing training products and services, live discussion forums, free remote viewing newsletters, and streaming video presentations.
Remote Viewing -
A downloadable tool to improve remote viewing abilities. Links to other remote viewing sites.
Remote Viewing Biographies : -
Read biographies of remote viewing practitioners and trainers from the military origins to the private sector.
Remote Viewing Conference -
Provides information on IRVA's yearly Remote Viewing Conferences.
Remote Viewing Consulting Services -
Offering professional remote viewing consulting. Experienced team handling all projects.
Remote Viewing enhancement CD -
A CD containing two audio tracks designed to aid in achieving altered brainwave states.
Remote Viewing Information Center -
A mind technology that can teach anyone how to access accurate information about any person, place, thing, or event anywhere in time. The U.S. Government spent 20 million dollars developing it and we are making it available it to you.
Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc. -
Remote viewing training and consulting by Major Paul H. Smith (ret.), a veteran of the Star Gate program.
Remote Viewing Investigators & Psychic Data Collection Detectives -
Data Collection Services provided by trained professional remote viewers.
Remote Viewing News -
Remote Viewing news and resources.
Remote Viewing Video Reports, News, Lectures, and Testing - -
View a series of video project reports, free lectures on remote viewing and take the Quickstart online remote viewing test.
Remote Viewing: Viewpoints on Video -
Video on psychic exploration under scientific controls. Employed by Govt. project STARGATE, two professional remote viewers discuss the myths and realities of remote viewing. -
Remote Viewing is the universe's gift to human kind. A full resource with documents, history and results.
Silva Ultramind's Remote Viewing -
A step-by-step course to learn Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing using techniques by Jose Silva.
Stealth Judging System -
Online associative remote viewing target database.
Technical Remote Viewing University: Teaching Advanced Mind Technologies -
TRV University offers a curriculum of Technical Remote Viewing training courses that teach students remote viewing skills entirely via the internet.
Ten Thousand Roads Remote Viewing Project -
Remote Viewing resource for remote viewers and the public. Discussion, links, books, hands-on viewing, and psi practice.
The University of Life -
8 day (over four weekends) Remote Viewing Certificate course run twice a year in the UK. May and October of each year. -
Remote Viewing professionals and students share their personal stories and experiences, from using remote viewing to find lost items to solving crimes and probing mysteries of the unknown.
Viking Remote Viewing and Psychic Self Defense -
Presents remote viewing as a means of exploration, social psychotherapy, and a path to enlightenment. Offers links to related information, searches, data on minds, spiritual therapy, and books.
Warriors Path -
Robert Knight's collection of original photographs of prominent researchers and trainers in the Remote Viewing field.
What is Remote Viewing ? -
The remote viewing protocol naturally teaches our mind to recognize imagination from direct knowledge. Our minds learn to scrutinize information.
You are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading & Healing -
Debra Lynne Katz is the author of You Are Psychic, The Art of Clairvoyant Reading & Healing. Learn to do psychic readings, remote viewing, and transform your life.
19 11 2007, 19:17 Отзывы :: URL сообщения
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Откуда: Москва
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Карма: +20


+1 УВ жил, УВ жив, УВ будет жить! PeteR, моя благодарность не имеет границ. Уже скопировал. Избранное!
19 11 2007, 20:25 URL сообщения
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Откуда: Киев, стольный град
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Карма: +8

Зечем толочь воду в ступе ?
Уже есть несколько наших РАБОЧИХ методик - бери да занимайся...
19 11 2007, 20:31 URL сообщения
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Чьих, чьих методик?
19 11 2007, 20:39 URL сообщения
Активный участник
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Темы: 11

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Карма: +290/–18

Ingo Swann - 2006 IRVA Conference - Human Super Sensitivities and the Future

Ingo Swann - 2006 'International Remote Viewing Association' Conference, Keynote Address - Human Super Sensitivities and the Future

Duration: 01:13:40
Bit rate: 64kbps mp3
Dimensions: 320 x 240 XviD
Size: 297mb

NOTE: You can stream this video presentation here:

** Visit the I.R.V.A. website ( ) for more information on past conferences, as well as the ability to order DVD copies of presentations. The keynote speech for the 2007 I.R.V.A. Conference will be delivered by Jacques Vallee. His talk is titled: "The Software of Consciousness:
Personal recollections from the early days of the remote viewing program". The conference will be held at Alexis Park Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada between October 19th to the 21st of 2007. ---> <BROUGHT> Want to read the full article? Download this torrent!

- New York Times - January 10th 2006 - "Cells That Read Minds"

Published: January 10, 2006

On a hot summer day 15 years ago in Parma, Italy, a monkey sat in a special laboratory chair waiting for researchers to return from lunch. Thin wires had been implanted in the region of its brain involved in planning and carrying out movements.

Every time the monkey grasped and moved an object, some cells in that brain region would fire, and a monitor would register a sound: brrrrrip, brrrrrip, brrrrrip.

A graduate student entered the lab with an ice cream cone in his hand. The monkey stared at him. Then, something amazing happened: when the student raised the cone to his lips, the monitor sounded - brrrrrip, brrrrrip, brrrrrip - even though the monkey had not moved but had simply observed the student grasping the cone and moving it to his mouth.

The researchers, led by Giacomo Rizzolatti, a neuroscientist at the University of Parma, had earlier noticed the same strange phenomenon with peanuts. The same brain cells fired when the monkey watched humans or other monkeys bring peanuts to their mouths as when the monkey itself brought a peanut to its mouth.

Later, the scientists found cells that fired when the monkey broke open a peanut or heard someone break a peanut. The same thing happened with bananas, raisins and all kinds of other objects.

"It took us several years to believe what we were seeing," Dr. Rizzolatti said in a recent interview. The monkey brain contains a special class of cells, called mirror neurons, that fire when the animal sees or hears an action and when the animal carries out the same action on its own.

But if the findings, published in 1996, surprised most scientists, recent research has left them flabbergasted. Humans, it turns out, have mirror neurons that are far smarter, more flexible and more highly evolved than any of those found in monkeys, a fact that scientists say reflects the evolution of humans' sophisticated social abilities.

The human brain has multiple mirror neuron systems that specialize in carrying out and understanding not just the actions of others but their intentions, the social meaning of their behavior and their emotions.

"We are exquisitely social creatures," Dr. Rizzolatti said. "Our survival depends on understanding the actions, intentions and emotions of others."

He continued, "Mirror neurons allow us to grasp the minds of others not through conceptual reasoning but through direct simulation. By feeling, not by thinking."

The discovery is shaking up numerous scientific disciplines, shifting the understanding of culture, empathy, philosophy, language, imitation, autism and psychotherapy.

-- > Want to read the full article? Download this torrent!

Регистрации не требуется, только загрузчик.
19 11 2007, 21:09 URL сообщения
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По ссылке на видеофайлы есть много интересного
19 11 2007, 21:12 URL сообщения
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Уже есть несколько наших РАБОЧИХ методик - бери да занимайся...

Несколько ... гм.... Дайте одну хотя бы, на предмет изучения действенности.
19 11 2007, 21:24 URL сообщения
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Andrey, я специально открыл тему в "Делаем вместе". "УВ от РИ" превратилось в закрытое заведение типа "секта" - счастливого им плавания Улыбаюсь А мы что нибудь поделаем вместе.
19 11 2007, 21:29 URL сообщения
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ничего себе Петер вы даёте
п а с и б а
19 11 2007, 21:36 URL сообщения
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ТЮЛЬКА, слишком не увлекайтесь, провалите сессию, придется мне другие ссылки подгонять - по программированию. Улыбаюсь
19 11 2007, 22:03 URL сообщения
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PeteR, для такой темы отлично подходит раздел "Техники и Практики онлайн". Почему ты выбрал другой раздел? Улыбаюсь
21 11 2007, 01:54 URL сообщения
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Карма: +290/–18

Люди не понимают, зачем оно им надо. Я планирую заняться вплотную УВ, после Нового года. Кто хочет, пусть присоединяются - будем вместе мучиться. Улыбаюсь Для начала могу залить цикл видео-аудио-лекций по УВ (инглиш), больше 3 Гб, и целую тучу спец литературы, на файлообменник Лотоса. Но есть ли смысл в этом?
21 11 2007, 17:50 URL сообщения
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Смысл закачать, конечно, есть, вот только не три мега - в свои 64кб/с я буду качать это полмесяца.

Если можно, Петер, ужать до размера хотя бы до гига, это было бы здорово...

В свою очередь, могу поделиться фильмом Секрет2 , который в своё время советовал РИ. Также три мега, но могу ужать.

Я скорее качать всё это буду "на вырост", ибо сейчас заниматься УВ и чем-то подобным нет энергии.
21 11 2007, 22:41 URL сообщения
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PeteR, перемещаю тему в раздел "Техники и Практики онлайн"
22 11 2007, 00:02 URL сообщения
Активный участник
Сообщения: 7731
Темы: 11

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Карма: +290/–18

ESP (extrasensory perception)

ESP Research -
Remote viewing and spiritual healing workshops by Russell Targ and Jane Katra, Ph.D. Includes articles, events and recommended books.
Psi Explorer-
A multimedia site that explores all aspects of scientific parapsychology.
A.R.E.- E.S.P.: Extra Sensory Perception-
Basic information on ESP from the Cayce Reading including Realaudio clips as well as an ESP tester for you to try.
ESP can enhance the power of your unconscious mind .
ESP Trainer-
Free online clairvoyance and telepathy trainer.
ESP (extrasensory perception)-
History and 20th century research.
Avlis Publishing-
About Jose Silva's UltraMind ESP System and Holistic Faith Healing System.
Make ESP Part of Your Life-
Psychic experiments to transform the inner self
Close Encounters with ESP-
Universal Research on Mental Telepathy-
Research on mental telepathy for women. Еэеэее-еееееэее
ESP and PSI Tests-
Test your skills of Telepathy, Precognition and Psychokinesis in a browser based test.
Transcommunication Video & Audio (ITC & EVP)Ghost/Spirit pictures-
A recording technique used to research paranormal(spirit/ghost)images and voices which opens possibilities of communicating with the beyondD.
Jose Silva's UltraMind ESP System-
Develop intuition, remote viewing, be your own psychic, find your purpose in life, obtain guidance and help from higher intelligence, learn holistic faith healing and distant healing.
Extrasensory Perception-
An overview of ESP and psychic ability.
22 11 2007, 18:20 URL сообщения


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