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Lobsang Rampa Collection (English)


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Сообщения: 13
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Lobsang Rampa Collection (English)

Lobsang Rampa Collection

Lobsang Rampa was a buddhist monk and a medical Doctor, who was born in Tibet. After many tribulations and much travelling he eventually settled in Canada near the end of his life and so experienced life in both the east and the west. Dr. Rampa was a revolutionary of his time, one of the first of the Eastern teachers to bring buddhism and metaphysics to the West in a popular fashion. He wrote many books about spiritual matters, beginning with The Third Eye.

Lobsang Rampa teaches us the timeless universal truths, pointing us along the spiritual path. Dr. Rampa's books also discuss the state of humanity's progress and he shows us how we can be a positive force for good, thus improving ourselves and helping our fellow humans and all sentient beings.

What Dr. Rampa wrote was not “HIS” unique knowledge - it is universal knowledge which is freely available to all. He did have the unique ability and compelling desire to make it simple and understandable - because he wanted everyone to know and understand - unlike many others who possess knowledge and sadly try to keep it exclusive. It is a great mistake to talk about Dr. Rampa's teaching as though it were his own exclusively - and he would be the first to deny it was. Knowledge is power; but only if openly shared and used wisely and not kept exclusively for the sanctimonious few. Dr. Rampa was a true Adept, a Master of metaphysics. The way he wrote his books was masterly as it explained hugely complicated concepts with utmost simplicity. Also what Dr. Rampa wrote in his books was from actual personal experiences learnt from his teachings - so he physically and spiritually knows all this to be true.

These are books included in archive (all PDF format):

1. As It Was
2. Beyond The Tenth
3. Candlelight
4. Cave of the Ancients
5. Chapters of Life
6. Doctor From Lhasa
7. Feeding The Flame
8. Living With The Lama
9. Rampa Story
10. Saffron Robe
11. Third Eye
12. Thirteenth Candle
13. Three Lives
14. Tibetan Sage
15. Twilight
16. Wisdom of the Ancients
17. You Forever.


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22 02 2008, 01:21 URL сообщения


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