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Где взять перевод полной мантры Авалокитешвары?


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Где взять перевод полной мантры Авалокитешвары?

По одному из линков этого раздела лежит мантра Авалокитешвары (так файл и называется), там же текстовый файл следующего содержания:

Namo Ratna Trayaya, Namah Arya Jnana Sagara, Vairochana, Byuhara Jara
Thathagataya, Arhate, Samyaksam Buddhaya, Nama Sarwa Tathagata Bhyay, Arhate
Bhyah, Samyaksam Buddhe Bhyah, Nama Arya Avalokiteshvaraya Bodhisattvaya, Maha
Sattvaya, Maha Karunikaya, Tadyatha, Om Dhara Dhara, Dhiri Dhiri, Dhuru Dhuru
Itte Vatte, Chale Chale, Prachale Prachale, Kusume Kusume Vare, Ili Milli,
Jiti Jvalam, Apanaye Soha.

Хотелось бы узнать, где взять перевод.
18 08 2005, 00:58 URL сообщения
Ольга Бутырина

Значение полной мантры Авалокитешвары - на английском

Here is one Sanskrit & English translation, not necessary 100% perfect, but will help u a lot to memorize the mantra.

namo ratna-trayaya namo arya-valokitesvaraya 1
Adoration to the Triple Gem, adoration to the noble Avalokitesvara,

bodhisattvaya maha-satvaya maha-karunikaya 2
the enlightened sentient being, the great sentient being, the great compassionate one!

om sarva rabhaya sudhana-dasye 3
Om! all noble assembly, righteous words with joy.

Nama skrtva i-mom arya-valokite-svara ramdhava 4
After the adoration to that(i-mom) noble Avalokitesvara (of) the Mercy Land,

namo Narakindi haraye maha-vadhassame 5
adoration to the blue-necked one, the great light.

sarva arthadu subhum ajeyam sarva-satva 6
all invincible (enlightened) sentient beings are free of all attachment and defilement.

nama vasatva namo vaga mavadudhu 7
Adoration to the great being, adoration to the boy (who is) attained by Gods .

tadyatha om avaloke lokate 8
Thus: om! seer of the world!

karate e-hre maha-bodhisattva 9
the compassionate one with a lotus heart, the great enlightened being.

sarva sarva mala mala 10
All, all, immaculate, immaculate

mahima hredayam 11
great unconstrained heart

kuru kuru karmum 12
accomplish, accomplish the work

dhuru dhuru vajayate maha-vajayate 13
hold fast, hold fast victor, great victor

dhara dhara dhrini svaraya 14
hold on, hold on the bravery, the freedom.

cala cala mama vamara muktele 15
move, move, my immaculate liberation.

ehe ehe cinda cinda arasam pracali 16
come, come, the pledge, the pledge, the king of dharma, the son of the buddha

vasa-vasam prasaya 17
Destroy every poison.

huru huru mara 18
Quick, quick, the strong being;

huru huru hri 19
quick, quick, Hri

sara sara siri siri suru suru 20
descend, descend; come down, come down; condescend, condescend; or
strong, strong; brave, brave; beautiful, beautiful;

bodhiya bodhiya bodhaya bodhaya 21
being awakened, being awakened; have enlightened, have enlightened.

maitriya Narakindi 22
the kind blue-necked one

dharsinina payamana svaha 23
bravery, fame, All hail!

siddhaya svaha 24
Accomplishment, so be it!

maha-siddhaya svaha 25
Great Accomplishment, So Be It!

siddha-yoge svaraya svaha 26
Liberation thru successfully union (with deities), All hail!

Narakindi svaha 27
blue-necked one, All hail!

maranara svaha 28
Destroyer, All hail!

Sirasam amukhaya svaha 29
lion's (boar) head and face, hail!

sarva maha-asiddhaya svaha 30
all success in supreme abilities, So be it!

chakra-asiddhaya svaha 31
the successor with a wheel (of dharma), All hail!

Padmaka staya svaha 32
one (who has a) red lotus (in his hand), All hail!

Narakidi vagaraya svaha 33
blue-necked, far-causing One, hail!

mavari sankharaya svaha 34
mighty Sankhara, hail!

nama ratna-trayaya nama arya-valokitesvaraya svaha 35
Adoration to the Triple Gem, adoration to the noble Avalokitesvara , All hail!

om sidhyantu mantra padaya svaha 36
Om! may this sentence of invocation be successful, So be it!


Narakidi, Nilakantha(Sk.): The blue-necked, a name for a peacock, also for Siva because his throat turned bluish-black from swallowing the poison (17) produced at the churning of the ocean, in order to save humanity. Siva is also known as the destoryer (28 ) of evil , restorer and celestial dancer (whose dance is the driving force of the universe).

Arasam, pracali: king of dharma, buddha king. Pracli: son of the buddha, prince of dharma
bodhisattva: bodhi(englightened) sat(t)va (sentient being).

Cakra: prounced chakra, means wheel, as in wheel of life (bhava-cakra) or wheel of law.
cinda(sina): for the sound effect only; some translate as "great pledge".

Dharani : an invocation, a long mantra, which has magical powers in its recitation.

Hri(h): seed syllable of Avalokitesvara, it represents Avalokitesvara.

Mahasiddhas: the attatainment of extraordinary abilities (siddhi).

Maitri: (lit.) "kindness, benevolence". A benevolence toward all beings that is free from attachment.

Mala: (lit.) "garland", symbolize "immaculate".

Mantra: magical-formula or invocation with occult power of sound.

Nama, namo: pay homage to, adoration, blessing or take refuge in.

Om (A U M): an occult sound of the universe, a symbol of the worlds (physical, mental, unconscious). A, U, M each constitute letter has its own meaning of profound power.

Padma: lotus, symbol of the true nature of beings. In Pure Land School, a symbol of dharma (buddha's doctrine).

Ratna-traya: triple(traya) gems(ratna) means buddha, dharma(theosophial literature) and sangha (assembly of monks).

Sankhara (pali), samskara (sk): an impluse. Refers both to the activity of forming and the passive state of "mental force" being formed.

Sara, siri, suru: expression of feelings, also for the sound effects.

Siddhi: (lit.)perfect ability. There are 8 ordinary siddhi (ability to fly, invisibility, clairvoyance,..), enlightenment is the supreme siddhi.

Sirasam amukha: Singh amukha, the Lion-Headed Dakini (lit. female sky walker) helps us to rid ourselves of the demons and ghosts which are a reflection of our negativity, both conscious and unconscious.

Svara: unconstrained, at ease, free from, liberate from. Attainment of liberation.

Svaha: hail, hail to, may a blessing rest on, So be it.

Vaga: the boy, the bodhisattva is seen as an immaculate image.

Vajra: diamond, also a weapon used by Indra (King of heaven). The thunderbolt symbol used in art and magic of Tibet as representing the force of adamantine truth.

Yoge (yoga): that which "unites", therefore "union" with deity.

-ya: the "ya" at the end of a word is an exclamnation.
14 11 2005, 14:49 URL сообщения


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