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Трактаты Хатха-Йоги


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Сообщения: 226
Темы: 49

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Карма: +11
Трактаты Хатха-Йоги

1.Hathatatvakaumudi. Translated by Dr. M.L. Gharote. Published by The Lonavla Yoga Institute, 2007. ISBN: 819016175X.
A treatise on hatha yoga written by an ayurvedic practitioner named Sundaradeva, probably in the 1700′s. Hathatatvakaumudi means “light on the principles of hatha yoga”.

2.Hatharatnavali. Translated by Dr. M.L. Gharote. Published by The Lonavla Yoga Institute, 2002. ISBN: 8190117696.
Yet another treatise on hatha yoga written by a scholar named Srinivasa, probably in the late 1600′s.

3.Satkarmasangrahah. Translated by Dr. R.G. Harshe. Published by Yoga-Mimamsa Prakasana, Kaivalyadhama, 1970. ASIN: B0006CNQF8.
Written by Cidghananandanatha

4. Encyclopaedia of Traditional Asanas by M.L. Gharote
Approximately 900 titles of Asanas good number of which are so far unheard of.1100 techniques and illustration of asanas.200 authoritative and valid source most of which are unpublished Manuscript. Thousand of references. Hundred of cross-references to ascertain validity, to check comparison and distinction, to establish relationship, for grouping and classifications and also to find out synonyms. 100 application of Padmasana. 60 Application of Shirshasan (inversion). An exhaustive Introduction. An Appendix of various illustrations from different cultures adding additional information, charm and colorfulness of the ancient tradition.


* Dedication
* Publisher’s Page
* Acknowledgement
* Introduction
* Abbreviation & Bibliography
* Additional List of Scriptures/Books Consulted
* Scheme of Transliteration
* Encyclopaedia of Traditional Asanas
* Appendix

About the Author:

Dr. Manohar L. Gharote 21/05/1931 - 17/01/2005: MA, M. Ed, (Phy.), Ph.D. (Anthrop.) Ph.D. (Alt. Med.), D. Litt., D.Y.P., the Founder-Director of the Lonavla Yoga Institute (India) was a direct disciple of Swami Kuvalayananda. After demise of Swami Kuvalayananda, he continued to work in Kaivalyadhama in various capacities as Asstt. Director of Scientific Research, Deputy Director of Philosophico-Literary Research and Principal of G.S. College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis for 30 years. He worked for more than forty long years in collecting materials on the Encyclopaedia of Traditional Asanas. This was originally a dream of Swami Kuvalayananda, which as a true disciple, Dr. M.L. Gharote fulfilled.
07 03 2012, 13:16 URL сообщения


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